2024/2/10(土)~ 2/11(日)第1回柏原マスターズ 1st Kashiwara Masters on February 10th and 11th 2024!

English follows Japanese / 日本語につぎ英語での説明



大阪府柏原市太平寺2-9-6 ※カタシモワイナリー 古民家内の座敷



9:00~9:45 開場・受付

9:45~9:55 組み合わせ・競技説明

10:00~12:00 第1局

12:00~13:00 昼休み

13:00~17:00 第2局と第3局



10:00~12:00 第4局

12:00~13:00 昼休み

13:00~15:00 第5局

15:15頃 表彰式・賞品授与



参加費: 大人7000円、学生5000円

申し込み先: brinkmannleonard@yandex.com 

申し込み締め切り:24年2月3日 ※ランチボックスご希望あれば1月31日までに。








(1) Cumulative (各ラウンド終了時に所持していたポイントの合計はそれぞれ加算される)

(2) Performance of opposition (勝負した相手の合計パフォーマンス)

(3) Buchholz (対戦相手のポイント合計)













・本大会の結果、または棋譜についてもインターネット上に公開される予定があります。 参加者は氏名、結果及び棋譜の公開に同意しているものとします。





















1st Kashiwara Masters



Venue and schedule

Osaka, Kashiwara, Taiheiji 2-9-6 inside Katashimo Winery


10th February 2024 (Sat)

9:00~9:45 Reception

9:45~9:55  Pairing and explanation

10:00~12:00 1st game

12:00~13:00 Lunch break

13:00~17:00 2nd and 3rd game


11th February 2024(Sun)

10:00~12:00 4th game

12:00~13:00 Lunch break

13:00~15:00 5th game

Around 15:15 Award Ceremony 


Participation Fee: in general 7000 Yen but for students only 5000 Yen

Applications to: brinkmannleonard@yandex.com 

Application deadline: February 3rd 2024 ※For lunchboxes until January 31st. 


Prizes Items and Money Prizes:

・1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place

・Tie-breaks will be used to determine winners.


Tournament rules:

・Tie-breaks: 1. Cumulative, 2. Performance of opposition, 3. Buchholz


・Default time: If any player is not present within 10 min after the game started, she/he shall lose the game by default. The game is not rated.


・The organizer will provide chess equipment including clocks and score sheets. Players must use these during their games.


・Players should record all moves as long as their remaining clock time is above 5min if they are able to make notations. Once the game is finished, both players sign both score sheets and hand over the original score sheets to the arbiter. Make sure the results are correct before signing. The score sheets serve as evidence of the result, help the arbiter to solve trouble during the game and are for later game publication.


・All electronic device including smartphones, tablets and/or smartwatches must be turned off and stored away. Players are not allowed to keep them on him/her or take them outside of the venue in a bag. When a player breaks these rules, his/her game shall be immediately lost. It is forbidden for anybody to use a mobile phone or any kind of communication device in the playing venue.


・The tournament will follow FIDE rules unless otherwise stated above. (2nd illegal move – loss of the game. Pressing the clock by mistake or pressing it with the other hand which touched the pieces will also be judged as an illegal move.)


Media related rules:

・The results of this tournament might be posted on the Internet for reporting purposes. The game record may also be published on the Internet. Participants agree to the publication of their real names, results, and game records.


・Observers are allowed to take photos for the first 10 minutes of each game, including the use of a mobile but after 10 minutes, all mobiles have to be put away by the observers and they are not allowed to use them in the playing room. Exception for people with a special permission.


・Individuals who wish to use photos or videos of participants (during games, award ceremonies, etc.) must be careful to protect their privacy. In addition to obtaining comprehensive consent in advance, for example, in the case of minors, the permission of their guardians must be obtained, and due consideration must be given to the protection of personal information and portrait rights.


・The organizer might take photos or record videos of the event. These may be published and used in media such as websites, SNS, video sites. Participants shall agree to the publication and live broadcast of these photos and videos.


Other rules:

・The organizer reserves the right for changing the above conditions in case of reasonable cases before the first round begins.


・Due to the nature of the venue, there may be unavoidable changes to the duration of the event, or the event may be cancelled.


・In case of cancellation please give notice prior than 4 days before the tournament.


Organizer and Sponsorship

Organizer: Kashiwara Chess Club

Sponsor: Katashimo Wine Foods Co., Ltd.