第9回大阪ワイン杯の様子 Impressions from 9th Osaka Wine Cup

入口はここだよ!というデモボードを配置 A demo board that shouts "entrance ahead!"

2列でチェス盤を並べて初めて13名のご参加!Chessboards placed in two rows, for the first time number of players reached 13!

会話と対局分析ができる「離れ」も。Also a separate room for chatting and game analysis!

事前予約限定の美味しいランチボックス(1500円)も用意!For those who ordered in advance a delicious lunch box was available (1500 Yen).

松原さん、優勝おめでとう!表彰式の様子。Congratulations to Mr. Matsubara on winning the tournament in a strong field of players! Picture from Award Ceremony!

いい感じの集合写真!Nice group photo for the finish!

7月も多くのプレイヤーが集まりますように~(笑)We hope to welcome many players again in July!


The 10th Osaka Wine Cup will have FIDE-rated games for the first time. Please have a look at the players list I update frequently. 
